Keynote Speaker:

Prof. ZHU Shanlu, Chairman of Peking University Council; BA, Philosophy, Peking University, 1983. Representative of the 16th and the 17th National Congress of the CPC; former Secretary of the CPC Nanjing Committee and Deputy Secretary of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee; former Secretary of the Administrative Committee of Education for the CPC Beijing Committee; former Deputy Secretary and Secretary of the CPC for the Haidian District Committee in Beijing; former Deputy Secretary of Peking University’s CPC Committee; former Director of PKU Organization Department; former Deputy Secretary of Peking University’s CPC Committee; former Secretary of Peking University’s CYLC Committee, Deputy Director and Director of Students’ Affairs; former Secretary General of the Peking University Students’ Union; former Deputy-Secretary of the CYLC Peking University CYLC Committee; former President of the Peking University Students’ Union and Vice-President of All-China Students’ Federation; former Secretary for the Philosophy Department’s branch of the Communist Party of China (CPC), a division of the Peking University CPC Committee。

朱善璐教授, 北京大学党委书记, 1983年北京大学哲学系学士学位。中共十六大、十七大代表;曾任中共江苏省委副书记、中共江苏省委常委、南京市委书记、中共北京市委常委、教育工委书记、中共北京市海淀区委书记、中共北京市海淀区委常委、副书记、北京大学党委副书记、北京大学党委副书记、党委组织部部长、北京大学党委学生工作部部长、北京大学团委书记、党委学生工作部副部长、北京大学党委研究室干事、校团委常委、校学生会秘书长、校团委副书记、北京大学学生会主席、全国学联副主席、北京大学哲学系1979级党支部书记。

Panel Moderators and Speakers:
Prof. Glenn Hubbard, Dean of Business School and Russell L. Carson Professor of Finance and Economics, Columbia University; Visiting Professor, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, Harvard Business School and University of Chicago; Visiting Scholar, American Enterprise Institute in Washington; member of the International Advisory Board of the MBA Program of Ben-Gurion University; Director of ADP, BlackRock Closed-End Funds, KKR Financial Corporation, and Met Life; Co-Chairman of the Committee on Capital Markets Regulation; life member of the Council on Foreign Relations; advisory board member of the Council on Competitiveness, the American Council on Capital Formation, the Tax Foundation, and the Center for Addiction and Substance Abuse.AM and Ph.D in economics, Harvard University, BA and BS summa cum laude, University of Central Florida; former Senior Vice Dean of Business School and Co-Director of the Entrepreneurship Program at Columbia University; former Assistant Professor, Northwestern University; former chairman of the U.S. Council of Economic Advisers under President George W. Bush; former Chairman of the Economic Policy Committee of the OECD; former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department for Tax Policy; former Chairman of the Economic Club of New York. He has writtrn more than 100 scholarly articles in economics and finance and has authored two leading textbooks on money and financial markets and principles of economics and co-author Seeds of Destruction; The Mutual Fund Industry; The Aid Trap: Hard Truths About Ending Poverty, and Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise: Five Steps to a Better Health Care System. His commentaries appear frequently in Business Week, Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Financial Times, Washington Post, Nikkei, and Daily Yomiuri, as well as on PBS’s Nightly Business Report and on NPR’s Marketplace.

Dr. Chenjian Li, Alex and Shirley Aidekman Family Endowed Chair Professor in Neurology and Friedman Brain Institute at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, NYU; formerly Assistant and then Associate Professor in Neurology and Neuroscience at Weill Medical College of Cornell University. Dr. Li majored in biochemistry at Peking University, studied medicine at Peking Union Medical College, received his Ph.D from Purdue University, and had his postdoctoral training at The Rockefeller University. Dr. Li’s laboratory is devoted to basic neuroscience and the understanding of Parkinson’s diseases at molecular, genetic, cellular and organismal levels. Dr. Li and his team are the world’s leading experts in establishing new methodology of animal modeling. The animal models they established are among the most widely used in basic research and translational medicine. Dr. Li has been active in education and academic community. Dr. Li is a standing member of NIH study section, an editor of scientific journals and a scientific advisor for pharmaceutical companies; a board member of the Chinese Biological Investigator Society and the co-chairman of its education committee. He is also an adjunct professor at Peking University and a director of the Biology 2000, a required course for Ph.D. students at Chinese Academy of Science, Peking University and Tsinghua University. Dr. Li has been awarded the National Research Service Award (USA), the C.H. Li Memorial Award Fellowship, student-voted teaching award and so on. He is also an author of two books and has received a National Book Award in China for his translation of the Nobel Laureate in Physics, a book by Dr. Richard Feynman.

李沉简博士,纽约大学西奈山医学院艾戴克曼讲席教授;曾先后在北京大学生物系及北京协和医科大学八年制医学专业学习,于美国Purdue大学获得分子神经生物学科博士学位,毕业后在美国纽约Rockefeller大学博士后工作期间从事“神经突触的发生和重建”的研究工作,并获得美国C.H. Lee Memorial Young Scholar Award。此后在美国康奈尔大学医学院先后担任助理教授和副教授。现在纽约大学西奈山医学院负责脑神经生物学和神经性疾病的研究工作,他实验室的主要成就是发明新的分子遗传学工具用来探讨神经退行性疾病的病理生理机制以及在分子、细胞和传导水平对累及的脑部中枢区域的正常功能进行研究。李教授是美国NIH基金评审会的常任委员、Michael J. Fox帕金森氏症研究基金会和数个制药公司的科学顾问、华人生物学家协会(CBIS)前任理事及现任教育委员会联合主席。曾任康奈尔大学医学院、斯隆肿瘤中心、洛克菲勒大学三校华人联合教授会会长。李教授对教育和教育改革做了大量投入。他活跃于中国,美国的中学、本科、研究生及医学生的教学第一线。目前他主管的Biology 2000 课程,是中科院、北大、清华研究生的必修课,在建立与国际接轨的研究生教育系列上影响颇大。李教授还是一位辛勤耕耘的写作者。他翻译的物理学诺贝尔奖得主理查德费曼著作,曾获得国家“改革开放200本优秀图书奖”。

Dr. Bonnie Liao, Lead Founder & Board Chair, Princeton International Academy Charter School (PIACS), the first Mandarin-immersion dual-language public charter school approved by the State of New Jersey; Founder and Head of School, YingHua International School, a nonprofit private elementary school, one of the first Chinese-English dual language schools in the United States combining language immersion with an internationally-focused inquiry-based curriculum framework, 2007 - present; Founder and Principal, YingHua Language School, the first community-based school accredited by CSS at Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, 2002 - present; Founder & Director, "YingHua in Beijing" Summer Language & Leadership Institute providing learning opportunities to American youth ages 8 to 17 who spend a month in China, 2004 - present; General Advisor, New Jersey Parent & Children Education Club, the only NJ nonprofit association focusing on parent-child communications, raising emotionally intelligent and academically motivated children, 2004 - present. MBA, Finance / Information Technology, Rutgers University, 2000; Ph.D., Physics, University of Houston, 1991; BS, Physics, Peking University, 1984. A former VP in Management Science, she left Merrill Lynch in 2007 to teach mathematics at a top private college preparatory high school in New Jersey for two years. Currently she is a consultant at Bank of America / Merrill Lynch (2011) while leading a diverse group of founders to open PIACS in September 2012, an effort since October 2009.

廖冰博士,自2009年10月,致力于创建新泽西第一所中英双语公立学校,普林斯顿国际特许学校;2007年5月,创建非营利英华国际学校,全美最先融合中英双语与国际化探究式教育相结合的小学; 自2005年5月创建非营利英华语言学校以来,担任校长并运用与推广《马立平中文》; 自2004年创建非营利“英华在北京”语言与领导能力暑期班以来,每年亲自带领美国青少年在北京学习并为贫困学生服务;自2004年,担任新州父母子女教育俱乐部总顾问,为华人父母提供一个学习和讨论的平台, 不断提高个人和子女情商,开发智商,增进和子女的交流。2000年罗格斯大学工商管理硕士;1991年休斯顿大学物理博士;1984年北京大学物理学士。2007年从美林证券公司辞职,致力于教授数学及创建非营利学校。

Hilary L. Link, Associate Provost and Dean for International Programs, Barnard College; B.A., Stanford University; M.A. and Ph.D. in Italian Language and Literature, Yale University. She has taught Italian language and literature at Barnard, Columbia, New York University and Yale. Link leads all facets of Barnard’s efforts to enhance the global education, international engagement and research experiences for students and faculty and, as the director of Barnard’s annual Global Symposia series, brings together high-profile women in business, finance, politics and the arts for conversations on women’s leadership in various parts of the world. So far she has led the symposia in Beijing, Dubai and Johannesburg, and Barnard’s Fourth Annual Global Symposium “Women Changing India” will take place in Mumbai in March 2012. In addition, Link created and oversees Barnard’s Visiting International Students Program (VISP), which brings students from partner universities around the globe to spend a semester studying at the College. In 2011, VISP and the Global Symposia series were awarded NAFSA’s Senator Paul Simon Spotlight Award for Internationalization. Link works closely with educational institutions abroad to establish partnerships and support faculty-student travel initiatives around the globe.

Prof. Yuh Kang Pan, Professor Emeritus, Boston College, 2002-present;
Honorary Vice President of W.R.S.A (欧美同学会海外名誉副会长); President of National Association of Chinese-Americans,1986-1990; Honorary/Visiting/Guest Professor, Jilin University, Lanzhou Univiversity, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, South China University of Science & Technology, Nankai University, Xian Jiaotong University, Tianjin University, Jinan University, Guizhou University, Shantou University, Chinese Academy of Science, Stuttgart University, Max Plank Institute, University of Bonn, and more than 20 other universities and institutes; Assistant Professor and Professor of Chemistry, Boston College, 1967-2002; Post Doctor in Chemistry, Harvard Universtiy, 1966-1967; Ph.D in Chemistry from Michigan State University, 1965; Graduate School, Yale University, 1961-1962; MKT Army Second Lt. (国民党陆军排长), 1959-1961; BS in Meteorology from National Taiwan University, 1959.

潘毓刚教授, 祖籍广东梅县,在广州读小学至四年级,1947年全家迁往台湾;1959年毕业于台湾大学;1965年获密执安州立大学博士学位;1974年任波士顿学院教授;连续4 年担任全美华人协会总会主席(首届主席为杨振宁),曾与吴健雄、袁家骝同获海外杰出华人奖;我国中科院聘请的首批10名顶级科学家之一、美国波士顿学院化 学系终身教授、世界著名量子化学家。现为中国科学院、吉林大学、西安交通大学、华南理工大学、暨南大学等31所院校的名誉教授,汕头大学“顾问教授”。 其好友著名作家、评论家李敖曾说:“潘毓刚是我所见过的科学家中最有人文修养的一位。”

Prof. Xudong Zhang, Professor of Comparative Literature and East Asia Studies and Director of China House, New York University; Ph.D, Literature, Duke University, 1995; BA, Chinese Literature, Peking University, 1986; “Chang Jiang Scholar” His teaching and research focus on modernism and modernity within and beyond the Chinese context. He has authored Chinese Modernism in the Era of Reforms: Cultural Fever, Avant-Garde Fiction, and New Chinese Cinema and Postsocialism and Cultural Politics: The Last Decade of China’s Twentieth Centrury. He has edited Whither China? Interllectual Politics in Contemporary China and co-edited Postmodernism and China. In Chinese, he has authored The Order of the Imaginary: Critical Theory and Modern Chinese Literary Discourse, Traces of Criticism: Essays on Theory and Cultural Politics, and Cultural Identity in the Age of Globalization: A Historical Rethinking of Western Discourses on Universalism. He has translated into Chinese Walter Benjamin’s Charles Baudelaire: A Lyric Poet in the Era of High Capitalism, co-translated Illuminations, and edited Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism: Selected Essays of Fredric Jameson. A collection of Professor Zhang's short essays since 2001, Letters from New York, was published by the Shanghai Bookstore Press in 2006. He is currently at work on two book manuscripts, on Hegel's aesthetics; and the making of modern Chinese essay and men of letters, respectively.

张旭东教授, 纽约大学比较文学系教授;东亚研究系教授、系主任; 纽约大学中国中心主任;兼北京大学中文系“长江学者”讲座教授、批评理论中心主任;重庆大学人文社会科学高等研究院院长等;1995年获美国杜克大学文学系博士学位,1986年获北京大学中文系学士学位。主要中文著作有:《批评的踪迹:文化理论与文化批评,1985-2002》;《全球化时代的文化认同:西方普遍主义话语的历史批判》;《对话启蒙时代》;《鲁迅与中国现代主义的起源》(即出);《黑格尔美学与当代批评的基本问题》(即出)等。英文著作主要有:《改革时代的中国现代主义》,《后社会主义与文化政治》等。主要研究方向包括批评理论,美学与政治哲学、现当代中国文学和思想等。

Dr. Henry Hong Liu, Partner of DLA Piper LLP (US), currently the largest international law firm. Educational background: Ph.D. in law, Peking University 1997 (Ph.D. candidate 1985-86); LL.M., Harvard Law School; JSD program, Stanford Law School; MBA, University of Oxford; MA, Foreign Affairs Institute; BA, Nankai University. Academic standing: John M. Olin Research Fellow in Law and Economics at Harvard and Stanford; American Standard Companies Fellow in Management at Oxford; Past adjunct professor of law, Peking University. Business experience: Chairman & Managing Partner of Asia Practice at “Global 100” law firm; Managing Director of Investment Banking at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jerentte (DLJ) and Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB). Government service: Director-General and General Counsel at the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), head of the China Securities Law drafting group, and served as a member of the Stock Issuing and Examining Board appointed by the Chinese cabinet the State Council, in the 1990s. A brief stint at All China Youth Federation in the early 1980s. International recognition: Asia Star Award by BusinessWeek consecutively in 1998 and 1999; Global Leader for Tomorrow Award from the World Economic Forum in 1999; and recognition by AsiaWeek (Times Inc.) as a Nation Builder” in 1999. Publications: various Chinese and English publications on law, business, finance and capital markets. Peking University student activities: Vice Chairman of the Graduate Student Union (1985-86).

刘洪博士,当前全球规模最大的律师事务所欧华国际律师事务所(美国)合伙人。教育背景:1997年获得北京大学法学博士学位(1985-86完成北大博士课程);哈佛大学法学硕士学位、斯坦福大学法学博士生、牛津大学工商管理硕士学位、外交学院硕士学位、南开大学学士学位。学术经历:曾任哈佛大学与斯坦福大学约翰M.奥林法律与经济研究人员、牛津大学美标管理学研究人员、曾受聘北京大学法学兼职教授。商业经历:曾任“全球百强”律师事务所亚洲业务主席兼管理合伙人、帝杰投资银行董事总经理、瑞信第一波士顿投资银行董事总经理。政府经历:九十年代曾任中国证券监督管理委员会首席律师和法律部、国际部等部门主任(正厅局级),兼任中国《证券法》起草工作小组组长,并担任由国务院任命的股票发审委委员。八十年代初期,曾在全国青联短期工作。国际认可: 1998年和1999年连续两度获得美国《商业周刊》授予的“亚洲之星”奖、1999年获得世界经济论坛 “全球未来领导者奖”、1999年建国50周年之际时代杂志的《亚洲周刊》认可其“为中国建设作出贡献之人”。专业著述:中英文,涉及法律、商业、金融与资本市场等课题。北大学生工作经历:北京大学研究生会副主席(1985-1986)。

Dr. Michelle Miao, Assistant Director of Mayor’s Office of Contract Services. Ph.D, Sociology, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2005; BA, English Language and Literature, Peking University, 1988. Dr. Miao works in the office that oversees New York City’s procurement policy and process while the City makes more than $17 billion worth of contracts annually. She serves as the project manager for the development and implementation of the Automatic Procurement Tracking System (APT), oversees Mayoral agencies’ compliance with Local Law 129, the MWBE program, and provides methodology consultation to agencies. She was appointed by Mayor Bloomberg as his representative on the Board of Directors of the Flushing Council on Culture and the Arts/Flushing Town Hall in 2007 and on the Board of Directors of the Queens Botanical Garden in 2008. A dedicated mother, Michelle is passionately involved in the activities at the Town Hall, advocates for its creative art and educational programs, and serves as the chairwoman for the education committee of the board. She was honored at the Annual Gala of Flushing Council on Culture and the Arts in April 2010 and was awarded by the Chinese American Association of the City of New York in 2010. Prior to her career at the Mayor’s Office, she was the chief statistician and policy advisor at the Comptroller’s Office of the City of New York for eight years and was in charge of providing methodology recommendations for the Bureau of Audits and Office of Policy Management.

缪欣伟博士, 纽约市市长办公室合同采部助理主任, 参与决策纽约市170亿的年采购合同,主持纽约市有史已来首个全市统一的自动化采购追踪系统的研发及应用。 纽约市皇后区植物园董事会彭博市长代表董事,纽约市法拉盛文化艺术协会/市政厅董事会董事, 董事会教育委员会主席。1988年 北大英语系学士, 1995年纽约州立大学水牛城分校社会学硕士,2005年获该校同专业博士。曾获颁纽约市法拉盛文化艺术协会/市政厅2010 年度杰出奖,纽约市市府华人协会2010年度杰出贡献奖。

Dr. Gary Wang, Co-founder and Managing Partner of Jade Capital Management LLC, an investment company providing venture and growth capital to top entrepreneurs in the consumer oriented financial service sector in China, investing in real assets in North America, and making public market investments through Chinese fund managers; Ph.D, Physics, University of California, San Diego, 1990; BS in Physics, Peking University, 1985. Dr. Wang is also one of the founding members of Quanta Capital, a Bermuda based insurance and reinsurance company that went public on NASDAQ in 2003, and China Risk Finance, the leading consumer finance solution and peer-to-peer lending provider in China. He was formerly the head of Asia Credit Derivatives of Barclays Capital, which was ranked by Institutional Investor as one of the top three global credit derivatives houses after two years of operations. He started his career as a quantitative analyst at Wells Fargo Bank and subsequently an options trader of Barclays Capital in New York. He is also on the board of Harvest Network and Douban Inc.

王光宇博士, 君德资本管理有限公司(Jade Capital Management) 的共同创始人及管理合伙人, 1990年获加州大学圣地亚哥分校的物理学博士学位,1985年获北京大学物理学士学位。君德资本致力于为金融服务业的顶尖企业家提供风险资本和成长资本,同时也直接投资北美实物资产并通过中国本土的基金经理投资海外的中国股票。他也是 Quanta Capital 和首航财务(China Risk Finance)的创始投资者, 前者是总部设在百慕大的财产保险及再保险公司,2003年在纳斯达克上市;后者是中国领先的消费金融服务平台及小额信贷公司,2007年被《国际私募股权》杂志评为年度最佳风险投资。他曾是巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)亚洲信贷衍生品部的负责人,经过他的领导,这个部门被《机构投资者》杂志评为全球信贷衍生品部门前三强。他的职业生涯起始于在富国银行(Wells Fargo Bank)任定量分析师,而后在纽约的巴克莱资本任期权交易员。他还任德丰网络和豆瓣网等公司的董事会成员。

Mr. Pengfei Xie, Senior Partner and Advisory Board Member at EIM, a global fund of hedge funds with $8 billion under management; MBA, MIT, 1997; BS, Geography, Peking University,1991. Based in New York, Mr. Xie led the effort of sourcing and approving hedge fund investments in a number of hedge fund strategies. Additionally, he is the partner in charge of the firm’s US relationships, mainly with endowments and foundations, overseeing investments and providing customized investment solutions to US institutional clients. Prior to joining EIM in 2004, he was a Fund Manager and member of the Asset Allocation Committee at GM Asset Management for over 5 years, managing Global Portable Alpha fund with approximately $1 billion invested in various hedge fund strategies. In that capacity, he was responsible for all aspects of due diligence, portfolio construction and risk management. He started his career as a fixed income hedge fund analyst in New York in 1997. He has published articles in major journals and has conducted hedge fund training sessions for the SEC. He is also the co-founder of the Chinese American Public Leadership Foundation (CAPLEF), a nonprofit educational and charitable organization that is dedicated to enhancing security and opportunity for Chinese Americans by increasing representation in public leadership.


Dr. Jin Li, Assistant Professor of Neurology, New York Medical College, attending neurologist and the chief of the Neuromuscular Section, Westchester Medical Center; PhD, Cell Biology and Anatomy, New York Medical College, 2001; MD, Peking University Medical School, 1993. FAANEM. Dr. Li is board certified specialist in the fields of Neurology, Electrodiagnostic Medicine, Neuromuscular Medicine, and Headache Medicine. She is a member of American Academy of Neurology, and fellow member of American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine. She is also the director of the neurology residency program and committee member of Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education, New York Medical College at Westchester Medical Center. She has published multiple peer-review papers and authored book chapters in Neurology. As a dedicated mother, she is a science fair committee chairwoman at Seely Place Elementary School and former Vice President of Parent Teacher Council at New York Huaxia Chinese School. Formerly the Westchester chapter director for Association of Chinese American Physician, she also serves as Judge at Intel WESEF completion, committee member of Westchester and Hudson Valley chapter for Organization of Chinese American and Vice President at Peking University Alumni Association of Greater New York.

李晋博士, 纽约威郡医学中心神经肌肉室主任。1993年毕业于北大医学部医疗系,毕业后就读于纽约医学院细胞生物系并获取哲学博士,随后进入纽约医学院神经内科进行住院医培训。她于二零零二年就职于纽约医学院神经内科担任主治医生,现任神经内科住院医培训处主任, 也是纽约威郡医学中心教育委员会的成员。她先后考取神经内科学,神经肌肉病学,肌电图学,和头痛病学四门专科特考文凭,还发表了多篇学术论文并撰写专科著作。李晋医师积极参加和组织社区和华人社区活动,包括当地学校、中文学校、美华协会、美国华人医师协会、及威郡Intel科学竞赛的评委会,并现任北大大纽约校友会副会长。

Dr. Sam Zhang, Director of Immuno-Oncology, Bristol Myers Squibbis; MBA from the Wharton School; PhD, Biology, Columbia; BS, Biology, Peking University. Dr. Zhang is a scientist turned bio-pharmaceutical executive with in-depth expertise of global markets as well as the scientific acme of drug development. Over the last ten years, Sam has worked in various capacities at the global headquarters of large global companies such as Pfizer, Bristol Myers Squibb, and Eli Lilly, and has the rare combined expertise across the entire spectrum of drug development that includes discovery research, pre-clinical and clinical development, pre- and post-approval product management. He served as the President of Wharton Asian Business Conference in 2000-2001 and the Executive Vice President of Peking University Alumni Associate of Greater New York in 2009-2010. He has a number of publications including a solo-authored commentary in Science. He has appeared in MSNBC, CNBC, Asian Wall Street Journal, Boston Global, World Journal, etc. for his various activities.
