
时 间: 2015年02月06号(星期五),6:30 PM – 10:00 PM

地 点: Asian American Writers Workshop, 112 W 27 St. #600

马驾浮云去;羊乘惠雪来。在这天地更新万物复苏的时节,让我们欢聚一堂,喜气羊羊迎接未名春晓--纽约佳肴,校友才趣; 新朋旧友,杯盏相聚; 歌舞翩跹,风流韵叙!


Dear alumni, we galloped into 2014 together on horseback. Now that the sheep is stumbling along carrying with her a snowy blanket, pun intended -- time to party again!

Come celebrate the Year of the Sheep with Peking University alumni and friends. Mingle, make merry, and meet friends. Find out how you can become involved. Here's hoping the next 12 months, under the sweet auspices of the Sheep, will be a year for PKUAAGNY and all its members to thrive in peace.

Let the party begin…

报名: 北大校友及家属 $20, 非校友 $30, PKUAAGNY Linkedin group members优先

Cost: $20 for alum and family members, $30 otherwise, Priority is given to PKUAAGNY Linkedin group members
