Alumni Events



    在去年成功举办高水平大会的基础上,北大纽约校友会今年广泛联络各个院系的校友,精心策划组织了由五场专题研讨组成的年会,由纽约人寿保险公司市场推广主任楼新跃主持的“创业专题“主讲人樊健强博士已经成功创办一家上市公司,并在美国新泽西创办并主持Pfantastic医学研究院,荣伟在纽约创办下世纪画廊声誉雀起,何哲创办雷哥文化企业,他们各自分享了创业的经验和体会;由拜耳健保药业集团副主任李含中博士主持的“生物医药专题”有施贵宝制药集团(BMS)新药开发策略总监张苏华博士、创办Adesso Biosciences生物科技公司并担任首席执行官的梁波博士、 Leerink Swan投资银行董事总经理梁恒博士以及担任Wedbush证券公司生物科技高级 分析师的徐昱博士分享了他们对生物医药行业发展趋势和前景的看法;由西奈山医学院副教授王融博士主持的“教育专题”有纽约市立大学李曼学院心理学系发展心理学副教授贾向东博士、华美协进社署期项目负责人陈愉生、新城高中助理校长金世芸等分享了他们从事教育工作的经验和体会,由风险投资专家、君德资本管理公司合伙人王光宇博士主持的“华尔街专题”有拉查德资产管理公司董事总经理邓琨、黑岩集团董事总经理胡大鹏、TwoSigma投资基金管理和分析部主管库超和GSB投资管理顾问公司创办人郭胜北等华尔街资深专家讲解今年以及今后几年的投资方向和大势分析。各场专题研讨都吸引了众多的听众,大家获得资讯的同时,也与相关专家进行了交流和讨论。

    针对目前的中国热,今年的大会还特别推出了“中国机会专题”,邀请到了中国最大基金管理公司华夏基金总裁范勇宏博士、曾创办领导多家企业的许文虎, IBM中国区高级顾问周继述博士等分享他们在中国发展的经验,由著名作家、华尔街高端人才顾问/人力资源专家重心集团总经理裔锦声博士主持。



    除了各方现场艺术品拍卖获得热烈会回响外,与会校友和来宾们还欣赏了由前任会长石新平策划、由校友们奉献的精彩娱兴节目,其中有石新平的独唱、李雪莹的钢琴独奏,老会长梅振才的诗歌朗诵, 刘建光诙谐的单口相声, 陈蓉的华尔兹舞蹈表演以及由周其凤校长和老校友楚珏辉的表演的湖南民歌“刘海砍樵"等。

    出席活动的还包括中国驻纽约总领事馆许鸿领事、美国百人会创办人王碚、国际华人科技工商协会主席李大西博士、中国旅美科技协会理事会主席陈志雄博士、欧美同学会纽约负责人王世耀、正在纽约访问的上海欧美同学会副会长向隆万教授及夫人姜馥教授、纽约州立大学New Paltz分校副校长Dave Rooney博士以及美东地区部分兄弟院校校友会、中国学生学者联谊会的负责人等。


    姜岩松等文,李昊英译,摄影 刘士海、张雄飞、侯潇潇、张驰、于少新


President ZHOU Qifeng (Eighth from the left on the front left with some alumni and guests.


President Zhou Qifeng wrote four Chinese characters in traditional Chinese calligraphy expressing his ideas for a great university.


The panels of the Conference 2010 were all very popular. As illustrated in this picture, the Garnet Room of the Hotel, which can accommodate about 200 people, were fully occupied during the panel discussion on the opportunities in China for professionals.

周校长当众挥毫/President Zhou calligraphing

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Peking University President Mr. Qifeng Zhou and Alumni in New York Celebrated the 112th Anniversary of Peking University

In celebration of the 112th Anniversary of Peking University & Asian Heritage Month, Peking University Alumni Association of Greater New York (PKUAAGNY) hosted the 2010 annual conference & fund raising event to welcome the delegation led by Peking University President Zhou Qifeng at Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel in Flushing on May 15th. The event successfully raised $80,000 as the scholarship fund for Peking University students in need of financial aid. Dr. Lei Ding, venture capitalist Dr. Gary Wang and top talent consultant for top Wall Street firms Dr. Jeannie Yi were given Outstanding Beidaren Awards.

With successful experiences of hosting big events, PKUAAGNY contacted alumni broadly and initiated this year’s conference which consists of five panels. On the entrepreneurship panel moderated by Daniel Lou, a marketing director of New York Life Insurance Company, panelist Dr. Jian-Qiang Fan has established a public company, and is also a founder and CEO of Pfantastic Medical Research Institute in New Jersey; David Rong founded the SkyEast Media with good reputation already established in the art marketplace in New York; Zhe He founded Rego Cultural Enterprises, and they all shared their entrepreneurial experiences. In the bio-pharma/biotech panel moderated by Dr. Hanzhong Li, Deputy Director of Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, panelists Dr. Sam Zhang, senior director for new drug development strategies with BMS, Dr Bo Liang, President and CEO of Adesso Biosciences Limited, Howard Liang, Managing Director of investment bank Leerink Swann, Katherine Xu, Senior Research Analyst of Biotechnology at Wedbush Securities, contributed their outlook for bio-pharma industry. The education panel, moderated by Associate Professor of Mount Sinai School of Medicine Dr. Wang Rong, invited panelists Dr. Gisela Jia, Associate Professor of Lehman College, CUNY, Vivien Chen, Resident Director for China Institute summer program in Beijing, and Nancy King Wang, Assistant Principal for Newtown High School in New York. Dr. Gary Wang, a Partner of Jade Capital Management moderated the investment panel, where Kun Deng, Managing Director and Portfolio Manager of Lazard Asset Management; Dapeng Hu Managing Director of BlackRock; Chao Ku, Head of Portfolio Management and Analytics of Two Sigma Investment; and Shengbei Guo, CEO of GSB Podium Advisors, discussed the investment trend in year 2010 and beyond. Each panel attracted many alumni and friends who had interactive exchanges with experts of each field.

The conference this year also emphasized the China opportunity by hosting the career opportunity panel. The present speakers included Yong-hong Fan, CEO of Huaxia Fund Management; Jimmy Hsu, founder of many firms; Jishu Zhou, Senior Advisor to IBM Global Service Group, Banking Risk Management, China Division. Panelists talked about their experiences of developing careers in China. The panel was moderated by Jeannie Yi, Managing Director of CG Group. Jeannie is a well known author and top talent consultant for top Wall Street firms.

The theme of this year’s conference is “Cooperation and Development”, and President of Peking University, Dr. Qifeng Zhou made the keynote speech for the conference. President Zhou shared his experiences of studying in the United States and introduced the recent development of PKU in academics and research. He expressed his sincere wish for alumni in U.S. to be more successful in their respective fields and continue to support the development of Peking University. He gave special thanks to the alumni who had made contributions to the university, and stressed that the university would strengthen the alumni network. President Zhou developed a calligraphic art work on site, which was bought at high price in auction by an alumnus.

The fundraising programs at the gala dinner after the conference were well supported by the alumni. The donations received and committed have exceeded $80,000. The fund will be used to set up scholarships to provide financial aid to Peking University students, contributing to the effort of PKU’s marching to become one of the top universities in the world.
Besides the warm auctions, alumni and guests also enjoyed the outstanding performance organized by former president of PKUAAGNY, Dr. Scott Shi. The performance included solo of Scott Shi, piano by Xueying Li, and a poem recital by former PKUAAGNY president Gene Mei, comedy by Jimmy Liu, Waltz dancing by Rong Chen and the traditional song by President Zhou Qifeng and senior alumna Juehui Chu.

Also in attendance of the conference and gala includes XU Hong, a consul with the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in New York, as well as community celebrities including Charles Wang, a founding director of Committee 100, Daxi Li, Chairman of the Chinese Association of Commerce and Science, Zhixiong Chen, Chairman of the Chinese Association of Science and Technology, Samuel Wang, head of WRSA in New York, Professor Xiang Longwan, vice president of WRSA in Shanghai and his wife professor Jiang Fu and heads of a few brother and sister alumni associations in New York as well as the presidents of a few Chinese Students and Scholars Associations of universities in New York.

PKUAAGNY was formerly named Peking University U.S. Eastern Alumni Association with more than 20 year history dedicated to serve alumni, community and Peking University.

Reported by Yansong Jiang, translated by Aaron Li, photos courtesy of Steve Liu, Xiongfei Zhang, Xiaoxiao Hou, Chi Zhang and Shaoxin Yu.