Alumni Events


    2010年2月20号,北京大学大纽约地区校友会于法拉盛新东方酒楼举办了一一场主要是服务资深校友的新春团拜会。此次活动吸引了众多老年校友和部分年轻校友,总共70余人,是新老校友欢聚一堂的难得的一次活动。其中不乏年过80多岁已退休的年长校友,也有还在学校就读或毕业刚工作的80后校友。最为引人注目的是本次活动当中,校友会创会理事长姚学吾,前会长梅振才, 石新平,现任会长楼新跃, 及北医校友会前会长杨景山教授, 吴旭增医师, 现任秘书长史跃年均有出席。北医校友会前会长丁雷医师和夫人陈虹君医师也在百忙之中到场, 并慷慨解囊,赞助校友会活动。现任会长王融教授因正在国内未能出席。

    团拜会由常务副会长张苏华主持并致欢迎词,首先是新老校友作自我介绍相互拜年,姚老师,杨教授,吴医师,梅前会长,石新平等在发言中都提到北大校友会的发展历史以及北医和北大的深厚渊源, 并为两校强强联合,纽约的校友会的整合以及新一届校友会的工作给予了很大的期待。这是最近两年的校友会活动中第一次有那么多前辈的参与,且有多位前理事会成员,每个人都感受到了浓浓的北大大家庭气氛,北大人新老交替,却风采依旧,其乐融融。大家并热情合影留念。


    校友会执委会陈启秀, 张延莉,柯映红, 秦琼, 侯潇潇, 李雪莹, 王珺茗, 高帆等参加了团拜会。

    文: 李雪莹 摄影: 侯潇潇

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PKUAAGNY Hosted Spring Festival Reunion with Senior Alumni

On occasion of the Spring Festival for the Year of the Tiger, PKUAAGNY hosted a reunion luncheon party in honor of our senior alumni at the New Oriental Restaurant in Flushing on February 20, 2010. More than 70 senior alumni and younger alumni were present. The participants included a few retired senior alumni of more than 80-year old, and young alumni who were still current students or fresh graduates. The founding chairman of the association, Mr. Xuewu Yao, former presidents Mr. Zhencai Mei, Xinping (Scott) Shi, current president Xinyue Lou, and former presidents of Beijing Medical University (Beiyi) Alumni Association of New York Prof. Jingshan Yang, Dr. Xuzeng Wu, and current secretary Yuenian (Eric) Shi attended the party. Former president of Beijing Medical University Alumni association Dr. Lei Ding and his wife Dr. Hongjun Chen also joined the party briefly under a busy schedule serving their clients and made a contribution. Current president of Beiyi association Prof. Rong Wang was in China and was not present.

Executive Vice President of PKUAAGNY Suhua (Sam) Zhang served as the master of ceremony and delivered welcome remarks. The part started with self introductions and new year greetings from all the participants. Senior leaders like Mr. Yao, Professor Yang, Dr. Wu, Mr. Mei and Mr. Shi shared their insights into the history of the associations as well as the historical ties between Beida and Beiyi and expressed their great hopes and expectations for a strong union between two great institutions of higher learning in China as well as for the work of the alumni associations in NY. This is the first time in the past two years that we had so many senior alumni attending such an event. Participants include quite a few former board directors of the associations. Everyone enjoyed the time together like a family reunion, with old and new generations of the alumni sharing the same spirits of Beidaren and the festive feelings of the time. A group picture was taken at the party.

Daniel Lou, current president of PKUAAGNY, reported major activities and initiatives of the association in the past two years and gave a preview of some key events in the near future. He said the primary goal of the association is to serve our alumni. With a strong executive team already in place, he was confident that PKUAAGNY would serve our alumni well with even more events and activities. He also expressed his wish for our alumni more successful in their corporate careers and in their individual business and professional endeavors.

In attendance also included executive committee members such as Tom Chen, Yanli Zhang, Coco Kee, Qiong Qin, Xiaoxiao Hou, Xueying Li, Junming Wang and Fang Gao.

Written by Xuying Li; Pictures Courtesy of Xiaoxiao Hou