Alumni Events



    本次论坛的主讲者包括来自中美两国金融,法律,政府等多个行业领域高层的专家。首先进行特邀演讲的是来自天津的渤海证卷总裁王春峰。他就将天津市建设成中国北方的金融中心这一主题进行了阐述。随后高智发明中国区主管严圣就其在金融危机中的个人经历及对中国金融市场的未来展望发表了精彩演讲。严圣指出只要机制没有发生根本变化, 美国以后仍没有可能'免疫于金融危机, 新的监管措施只是换汤不换药。


    论坛的其它专题讨论包括中美政府对金融市场的监管;对冲和私募基金在金融危机中面临的挑战,及金融危机如何推动金融衍生品市场的发展。与会的专家学者各抒己见,并就 许多问题展开了热烈的讨论,台上台下互动积极。会议结束时许多人都意犹未尽 会后,许多与会者都表示获益匪浅,认为此次论坛非常成功,水平很高。北大及复旦校友会的众多志愿者,尤其是主要组织者周洪,彭谦和杨光为论坛的成功举行付出了许多时间,精力。杨光精彩的主持也为论坛增色不少。北大及复旦校友会会长楼新跃和周谷声也在会上先后发表了热情洋溢的讲话。大家都希望将来能有更多的此类机会听取专家见解并互相交流。


Keynote speaker Yan Sheng is addressing the audience in the forum


The most welcomed panel discussion: professor Wei Shangjin is speaking about the internationalization of RMB


Members of the forum's organizing committee cheers with speakers

The 2009 Wall Street Forum - Opportunities and Challenges to Financial Industry in US and China - was held successfully at Columbia Business School on August 29th. This forum was organized by Peking University Alumni Association of Greater New York and Fudan University Alumni Association USA along with 14 other Chinese associations in New York City. More than 200 participants and several key Chinese media in Greater New York area joined the forum and had warm discussions with speakers despite the rainy weather.

The featured speakers include leading experts and senior executives in finance, law and government from both U.S. and China. Mr. Chunfeng Wang, President of Tianjin Bohai Securities, opened the forum by discussing the outlook of developing Tianjin to be the financial center in Northern China. Mr. Sheng Yan, President of China Operation for Intellectual Ventures, gave a remarkable lecture by talking about his personal experiences amid the credit crisis as well as his visions of Chinese financial markets. Mr. Yan addressed that the new financial regulations cannot make U.S. immune to the future financial crisis without fundamental changes in Wall Street business mechanism.

Then occur the panel discussions on various hot topics. Among them, “RMB as an International Currency and Overseas Expansion of China’s Enterprises” arose great interest for both the panelists and the audience. Professor Shangjin Wei of Columbia Business School believes that the globalization of RMB must follow progressive steps at a measured pace. Mr. Haizhou Huang, Co-Head of S&T Department of CICC, suggested that authorities should make more aggressive moves to facilitate the globalization process. Mr. Shanquan Li, Managing Director of Oppenheimer Funds, and Mr. Zhengqun Fang, Sinopec US Investor Relation Representative, also shared their insights into this issue. Also discussed by the panel briefly was the sustainability of China ’s economic development.

Other panels covered the topics of Government's Regulation of the Financial Markets in US and China, Challenges to Hedge Fund and Private Equity under the Financial Crisis, and how will the Financial Crisis Evolve the Derivatives Market. The intense discussions and warm interactions among panelists and the audience impressed many participants. A lot of them said they had benefited much from this successful conference and would like to have more of this kind of opportunities to interact with leading experts. The lead organizers, Mr. Hong Zhou, Mr. Qian Peng and Mr. Guang Yang dedicated a lot of energy, time and resources to the forum. In addition, the master of ceremony, Mr. Guang Yang, added much to the conference’s success. Furthermore, Mr. Xinyue Lou, president of Peking University Alumni Association of Greater New York, and Mr. Gusheng Zhou, president of Fudan University Alumni Association, both made enthusiastic and congratulatory speeches.