Alumni Events

北大大纽约地区校友会盛请款待北大学生交响乐团, 共庆农历新年

    应北京大学大纽约地区校友会的邀请, 2009年1月21日晚,北大学生交响乐团在北大党委副书记杨河带领下来到纽约曼哈顿唐人街麒麟金阁饭店,与来自大纽约地区的北大校友共庆中国新年。本次活动是北大大纽约地区校友会(PKUAAGNY)2009年举办的首次活动,有约40名来自纽约, 康州和新泽西州的北大校友冒着严寒冰冻天气赶到, 欢迎来自母校的领导和学弟学妹们, 场面热烈感人。



    许多校友是对第一次参加北大大纽约地区校友会的活动,其中不少是从康涅狄格州或新泽西州专门赶赴本次活动。一位校友表示:“看到去年咱们校友会的活动日益增多,我感到非常高兴。” 部分校友还表示愿意在日后校友会活动中贡献力量。


Alumni Come from Afar to Celebrate Chinese New Year With Beida Student Symphony Orchestra Delegation

Alumni from as far as New Haven came to celebrate the Spring Festival with Beida Vice Chair Yang He and the Beida Student Symphony Orchestra delegation he led on January 21 at Golden Unicorn restaurant in Chinatown in Manhattan. Close to 40 alumni from New York City and the states of New Jersey and Connecticut participated in this first event hosted by Peking University Alumni Association of the
Greater New York (PKUAAGNY) in 2009.

Beida Student Symphony Orchestra has won numerous awards in China and was invited to perform at Stanford and New York Universities before they came to perform a few selected programs and celebrate the Chinese New Year with alumni in the Greater New York Area. To match the goodwill of the guests, local alumni also performed for the delegation. One in particular is none other than the former PKUAAGNY president Scott Shi. His beautiful tenor voice dazzled the entire audience.

At this event, Vice Chair Yang He also highlighted recent development at Beida in its effort to become a world-class university. He also invited alumni to participate in the celebration of 90th anniversary of the May 4 Movement at Beida this year and pledged, on behalf of Beida, strong support to PKUAAGNY.
Many of the alumni participated for the first time in an event organized by PKUAAGNY. A significant portion work and live in Connecticut or New Jersey and specifically came to the City for this event. One particular alumnus said: “The number of activities (organized by PKUAAGNY) has significantly increased last year and I am really encouraged.” Several alumni signed up to help out in future activities.